A Cure for Cancer - Can We Hope

Released on = January 13, 2007, 6:39 am

Press Release Author = Dr Laurence Magne

Industry = Healthcare

Press Release Summary = From the office of Dr. Laurence Magne, author of Cancer Free
For Life

Press Release Body = Frequently, the interaction between illness and treatment is
described as a battle or a war. If we hold that analogy, then cancer can best be
described as a civil war. A cancerous cell operates as if it believes that martial
law has been declared in the body. Sadly, because we cling to this confrontational
mindset, curing cancer becomes very difficult.

The term cancer actually describes a vast number of different conditions, all
resulting from the same basic problem: there is a malfunction with the instructions
held within the DNA of a cell and curing cancer is a distant dream.

The natural process of life ensures that a large portion of our cells are replaced
as they wear out. According to many estimates, ninety-nine percent of our cells are
different today than they were last year. Many of these cells are simply
duplications of previous cells, which are constantly dividing.

This duplication is what allows us to live as long as we do, as damaged and worn out
cells are replaced with new and healthy cells. When something goes wrong with the
duplication process, however, it has the opposite effect.

The fact that this problem even exists is actually incredible in its own way,
because DNA contain enzymes to repair damaged DNA. These enzymes are designed to
proofread the instructions in cells to prevent incorrect copying, remove damaged
portions and insert correct replacements and generally ensure that the cells
don’t go haywire.

So, when a cell manages to get around the built in protection enzymes, the cell can
quickly become lethal. The damaged portion of the instructions tells the cell to
divide endlessly. Every duplicate cell has the same damaged instructions and
divides endlessly, which can quickly become a problem.

The current mindset of Western medicine is to treat cancer as if it is a foreign
invader, coming into the body and wreaking havoc. Because cancer is a part of our
body, gone awry, this mindset has not been very successful.

Traditional cancer treatments, especially radiation and chemotherapy, are poisonous
to cancer cells…which are like our healthy cells, only haywire…so they
are also poisonous to our healthy cells. In effect, the traditional treatments for
healing cancer count on the fact that they will poison and kill the cancer cells
before they poison and kill the rest of the patient.

Curing cancer can only occur by accepting the fact that those cells are a part of
us, embracing those cells and looking to heal them, not destroy them. It
isn’t possible to destroy cancerous cells without also killing healthy cells.

An amazing variety of alternative treatments exist, although it isn’t likely
that you’ll hear much about it from your doctor. This isn’t necessarily
because your doctor is anti-alternative medicine, or part of a vast health care
conspiracy: it’s highly possible that your doctor just isn’t well versed
in the options available to you. You need to take the responsibility for your own
care and look into the highly-effective, non-toxic, alternative therapies available
to you in order to heal cancer.

Dr Magne has been researching the origins and alternative cures for cancer for the
past 25 years. Her book Cancer Free For Life contains many alternative ways to cure
yourself of cancer today!!! Visit www.cancer-free-for-life.com to claim your FREE
report 10 Ways to Cure Cancer in audio and pdf format.

This article is available for reprint for your website and newsletter, provided that
you maintain its copyright integrity and include the signature tag.

Web Site = http://cancer-free-for-life.com

Contact Details = Dr Laurence Magne
Publisher, Author
Cancer Free For Life
Email : lmagne@yahoo.com
Website : http://cancer-free-for-life.com

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